Our Mission
By 2028, BanQu aims to help lift 100 million people out of extreme poverty.
We care deeply about creating an equitable economy in which every brand can prove provenance, every consumer can shop ethically, and every supply chain contributor - down to the laborer - is granted true visibility.
Our Story
Ashish Gadnis, co-founder and CEO, felt deeply disturbed by the inequities he was seeing throughout the world.
And he was ready to make a difference — sustainably, through technology.
Our Reach
Our People
Meet our international crew of passionate, people-focused, tech-savvy problem-solvers!
Ashish Gadnis
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Hamse Warfa
Founder & Business Development
Jeff Keiser
Founder & Chief Operating Officer
Shambavi Gupta
VP of Asia & Enterprise Solutions Architect
Stanislav Natalenko
Chief Technology Officer & VP of Engineering
Katelyn Thacker
Chief of Staff
Mark Geoghegan
VP of Professional Services
Chris Schaaf
VP of Platform Management
Jordan Wilson
Director of Digital Marketing
Recognized by
A proud partner of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation community