Sustainability PLUS Suite
Sustainable Textile Solution

Sustainable Textile Add-on

Fibre-forward chain-of-custody tracing and ESG data for your textiles, in one place.

A 360-degree view into your textile and material sourcing

BanQu’s sustainable textile solution gets companies the fibre-forward chain-of-custody & ESG data they need to track and prove material provenance, while monitoring and reporting their impact.

Leverage the data you have, capture the data you need

Our proprietary, blockchain-based solution gets you real-time supply chain and ESG data to drive real outcomes and back your sustainability claims — without the greenwashing.

Tier-level data

Capture Scope 3 emissions, social impact metrics, and transaction-based data tied to the location & asset at every tier for the most accurate, source-level insights.

Chain of custody

Maintain complete chain of custody tracing of your commodities, even after co-mingling or mass balance, so you can pair final products with the exact plots of land it originated from.

Tool/framework tracking

Our global, experienced teams implement for you — connecting your farmers and co-op’s to the system.

Flexible integrations

Fully Integrate with your ERP, PLM - and any software your suppliers use -  to streamline and digitize your supply chain and ESG data from quality assurance to living income.

Expert implementation & support

Our expert implementation & support teams have worked with supply chains of every commodity and material across the globe. These experienced teams are your implementation boots on the ground and ongoing customer success support.

Multi-solve your sustainable textile pain points

Before BanQu Sustainable Textile Solution

Mounting industry pressure to increase your textile sustainability, with little guidance, support, or funds to get started.

Lack of visibility into where your textiles originate and the impact your textile sourcing are having on planet & people.

Uncertainty in regards to tracking and reporting multiple sustainability concerns at once — e.g., water waste, material waste, forced labor.

Struggling to achieve sustainable textile sourcing practices, without sacrificing material quality or ability to meet consumer and business demands

Looming fear of consequences related to unsubstantiated sustainability claims/greenwashing, noncompliance fines, and related PR nightmare scandals.

After BanQu Sustainable Textile Solution

Gain full, 360-degree view into your textile value chain — even to the first/last mile source (e.g., plot of land, farmer).

Tier-by-tier data capture so you can deeply and accurately track impact metrics at every portion of the value chain.

Track and report on multiple sustainability measures at once — e.g., water waste, material waste, forced labor.

Capture both supply chain & ESG data to multi-solve sustainability and supply painpoints to smartly secure your supply and meet demand.

Peace of mind that the sustainability data captured is the most reliable, real-time data to substantiate your sustainability and compliance claims — without the greenwashing.

Trusted by leaders in strategic sourcing.

Start tracking your commodities today.