India Green Credit Programme (GCP)

The Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change in India has proposed a Green Credit Programme to incentivize private sector industries, companies, and other entities to collect and report on their climate impact.

Knowledge Bank

What you need to know about the green credit programme

Under the proposal, a Green Credit programme (ICFRE) will be responsible for ensuring the effectiveness of this programme by implementing, managing, monitoring, auditing, reporting, and issuing Digital Green Credits per approved criteria. Green credits will be split up into categories, including tree plantation green credits, sustainable agriculture green credits, and waste management green credits.

How BanQu helps you with the green credit programme


Thanks to our blockchain-based tech and on-the-ground implementation teams, we help companies map their value chains, gaining end-to-end visibility down to the smallholder farmer or informal waste pickers. So they can track the full environmental impact.


BanQu is the leading platform that provides auditable and certifiable green credits for companies that have farming or recycling supply chains. BanQu helps companies both verify and validate credit existence and origins so that you can be audit-ready.


Once you have all of this great, reliable data in one place, you can use BanQu to generate customizable green credit reports at the click of a button. As needed, you can easily share your reports with stakeholders and auditors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why use BanQu for green credits?

BanQu’s blockchain-based solutions help companies track their climate impact throughout their supply chains with primary, auditable data and reports. Making tracking and reporting on your green credits a breeze. 

How does BanQu help companies with green credits?

We start by scoping out the value chains you need to track and implement the software for you on the ground, so you can easily collect and report on primary data and green credits as needed. 

Why should my company begin preparing for green credits now?

Getting a handle on your climate impact to power green credits is a huge - but doable! - undertaking. Although the Green Credit Programme is in the proposal stage, you’ll want to start data capture sooner rather than later. 

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